Fire and Earth minions allied to burn down the jungle and make it a part of their witched kingdom. You, the Guardian of Nature, must put an end to this.
Second Semster Project by Ali Asgarizadeh
2. Semester, 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Gabler
Augmented and Virtual Reality Design
Story Synopsis:
Fire and Earth minions allied to burn down the jungle and make it a part of their witched kingdom. You play as Erika the guardian of nature and you must find and defeat the fire lord to put an end to this horror.
The Game:
The project is a 3rd person adventure game created in Unity 3d and using C# programming language.
As the player you can find your way around with the help of the map. You can shoot the enemies with your bow from distance or engage in a melee fight if they’re close. You can pick up health, energy and damage power-ups to help you continue the battle.
Some of the design patterns I used here are Singleton, Factory and Observer and I also took advantage of triggers and methods like Object Pooling to increase the overall performance of the game.
Modelling, texturing and animation of all assets and also effects except the player character and it’s animations (Credit: are done by me.